I was just thinking recently about past events and behaviors and how far I’ve come since them. Particularly just in the time span of the last 10 years.
I think about my interactions with business contacts and clients, and I just cringe. I cannot believe that that’s who I used to be.
I would regularly do things that I now consider to be either wildly unprofessional or just… Bizarre.
The point of this post isn’t really as a list of examples, but some might be worth giving.
I remember when I first branched out on my own, I struggled to get anything done. I had one single client at one point, and the website still took months to build. I’d just procrastinate constantly and not make any progress.
For many years, basically everything I did was just a massive amount of procrastination. Any recurring task, I would push off until the last moment or later.
I remember realizing, the night before a presentation at my BNI group, that I knew nothing about the AV setup. I had just assumed the projector was always there and available and that somebody would help me with it.
I decided maybe that was a bad assumption, and emailed the chapter member in charge of it at like midnight the night before. He would later tell me that he saw my message and decided, “this isn’t my problem” and didn’t respond or worry about it.
And that was an important lesson for me. Though it did work out in the end.
When it comes down to it, I just don’t think I would see any potential in my younger self if I met him. Everything was sloppy and I had no discipline whatsoever.
I also made almost no money, and it’s no surprise why.
I feel very fortunate that I somehow improved over the years and am now doing a ton better. I’m also a person I actually like and people trust to get things done.
Sometimes it’s just so hard to see the progress, and I get frustrated. It’s also easy to just focus on one metric, like income, and not see everything else that has improved.
Even if income was the most important thing, I feel like it’s actually a lagging indicator. Developing myself pays itself off in all areas of life, in addition to also being the primary method to increase future earning potential.
But overall, it’s just nice to take a step back and see the progress. I’m actually embarrassed thinking about what I was like just 10 years ago, both personally and professionally. I’m not perfect now clearly, but I’ve come so far in so many ways.
And I think that’s a good thing. If you’re not embarrassed by what you were like in the past, are you even improving?
None of the changes came overnight. Much of it has been described in this blog, which I believe I started in mid 2018.
I think it points to the power of gradual improvement, and always taking steps in the right direction. Improving just a little bit at a time compounds into huge changes over time.
It would be fun to actually ask some of my friends if they’ve noticed any of the change. If it’s obvious to me, I wonder if it’s obvious to them.
The point is: I think I’m going in the right direction. There are setbacks, of course, and lately I’ve felt fairly discouraged, but as long as I just keep progressing, it’s all good.
The hard times will pass, and I’ll be all that much better for having strived to keep making progress even when it was really hard.