Brainstorm: Where Could I Post Articles About Selling a WordPress Host?

I think that in order to be really successful at coming up in search results for selling a WordPress hosting company, I’ll need to go out and get some relevant backlinks.

The most effective of these, of course, would be from articles about this very topic, posted elsewhere.

But where exactly can I post these?

I just asked ChatGPT, and the answer was… Excellent. I’m just going to go ahead and paste what it said:

  1. Medium – Medium is a popular platform for publishing articles, with a wide range of topics and a large readership. You can create a free account and start publishing your articles.
  2. LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a professional social media platform that allows you to post articles about your industry. It’s a great place to showcase your expertise and connect with other professionals.
  3. Quora – Quora is a question-and-answer website that allows you to post articles and answers to questions related to your industry. It’s a great way to establish yourself as an authority in your field.
  4. HubPages – HubPages is a website that allows you to create articles on a wide range of topics, including WordPress website hosting. You can earn money from your articles through advertising revenue and affiliate links.
  5. Reddit – Reddit is a popular social news aggregation and discussion website that allows you to post articles and participate in discussions related to your industry.
  6. EzineArticles – EzineArticles is a popular article directory that allows you to submit articles for free. Your articles will be published on the site and may be picked up by other websites and blogs.
  7. AllTop – AllTop is a content aggregator that collects articles from a wide range of sources. You can submit your articles for consideration and if they are selected, they will be featured on the site.


Honestly, I’m not sure I need any more than this. These mostly all look like great places for me to post articles for free.

I’m hoping to start posting one article each week, whether on my own website or on others.

At this point, it would probably be best to focus on getting backlinks from other websites.

I have a great idea for a new post about optimizing your business to get the best sale price, and I think it would be a good one to get on a high-profile website like Medium.

I’ll post back here with results.


Some Recent Wins

I’ve mentioned before that not every post here has to be ground-breaking and deeply profound. Sometimes it can just be an update of how things are going!

Today I had some solid wins that show I’m moving in the right direction and that things are generally going well.

First, I had a qualified seller reach out to me from my website that is interested in selling the hosting portion of his operations. It looks like a great potential seller and we’re speaking tomorrow.

But the best part is that he found me online. All of my marketing efforts lately have gone towards attracting exactly this type of person, and it sounds like they are paying off.

In fact, just today I posted a new article that I’ve been working on related to this topic.

Perhaps because I posted that and just an hour or two later I heard from this new seller, it really felt like I earned it. Like I’ve been doing the right things and am being rewarded for them.

Because this is really my long-term strategy and it’s still a bit unproven, it’s really great to see it start to pay off. I hope to continue working hard on expanding my web presence in this area and, hopefully, attracting tons of sellers like this.

The other thing that happened today was that I approved a great candidate for renting my vacant room. Everything looked great for him, and I think he’ll be an excellent renter.

This obviously is less ground-breaking, but it’s fairly important for my goals (for now anyway) that I have both rooms rented, and it’s great to finally have someone after months of searching.

From a day-to-day financial point of view, it just makes my life a ton easier. I don’t have to take nearly as many distributions, and it ends up being much easier to invest more.

I also recently hit a new personal record with weight training, which has been going extremely well.

Sleep has been going well. I’ve been able to wake up without using snooze every morning for quite some time now. I may even be able to finally move on to another habit!

I finally set up my system for tracking initiatives, which is going well. It has helped me concentrate on things I’m trying to get done, and actually make progress in them. It’s what has helped me proceed with attracting new website hosts.

As discussed at length, I gave up drinking a while back as part of a year-long experiment. That’s been going great overall. Life is, perhaps, less exciting, but boy is it more productive (and easier in general).

I’ve been able to almost entirely eliminate social media and other time-wasters from my life. I’ve also kept up quite well with avoiding the daily news.

I’ve finally started watching Spanish language television instead of just YouTube videos, and honestly I think the benefits are immediate and tremendous. I now feel frustrated that I hadn’t been doing it all this time.

I’ve been reading more than ever, and exclusively in Spanish. I’m blasting through the end of Harry Potter and it’s exciting to see how much easier it gets over time. I’m looking forward to moving on to other books.

I’ve also been keeping up with my other studies and vocabulary, and have basically not missed a day in quite some time.

Not everything has gone perfectly, and it’s also easy for me to feel like I’m doing a bad job at things.

Honestly, after writing this blog post, my biggest take away from writing this post is that I need to do these more often. I would have said that I’m struggling quite a bit before writing it. But I’m really not.

I probably haven’t put enough effort into meeting new people here in Buenos Aires, and so I’ve been a bit of a hermit, which feels like a waste of being here. But then again, I’ve been pretty productive and things have been going well.

I just need to keep up what I’m doing, because it’s actually working well.



The Need for a Constant Joke in the Friend Group Hinders Real, Meaningful Conversation

I’ve got a close group of male friends and we keep in touch pretty closely, primarily via a WhatsApp group thread.

It can be a pretty entertaining place, but I’ve long since realized that the constant need for joking really does impede serious discourse.

It’s interesting how this type of long-term conversation can develop its own tone and even culture. There are things you can and should say, and things you can’t.

It’s not a good place to go to others for genuine help or even to plan things. The reaction to just about anything can only be described as “comedic hostile nihilism”.

That’s really the tone of the group in general, I would say.

One of my friends recently asked me about an event we might both be interested in, and he said he’d pitch the idea to the group. I warned him not to, that it’s where plans go to die.

He did it anyway, and was met with with exactly the type of response I expected.

Although, tellingly, at least one person reached out to him in private and actually said he wanted to go. This same person mocked the idea in the other thread.

That’s just what you do in the thread. You don’t demonstrate real interest in anything, you don’t show real feelings, and you turn everything into a joke.

One could argue it’s a microcosm of feigned toxic masculinity. Everyone presents a caricature of themselves. It’s parody and satire that’s gone on so long that it’s difficult to separate the actual people from their comments.

I’m not sure what the solution is or if there even needs to be a solution.

Is this just what the group dynamics of men in their mid-30s still clinging to the same friends looks like?

You could also argue that it hinders real growth, although it’s fascinating how different any of these guys is when speaking with them directly or in person. It’s almost as if this thread is a place for us to wallow in our old selves without any need for self-reflection, self-awareness, or growth.

Again, I’m not sure if it’s something that really needs to be “fixed” but it’s definitely an interesting case study.

The Daily News is Designed to Make You Hyper-Partisan

One of the nice things I’ve noticed from not following the daily news (in addition to the countless other benefits) is that I feel less partisan.

My understanding is that it is a well-documented fact that the media has evolved with the internet over the last few decades into a format that caters towards those with pre-existing biases and serves to amplify them.

It slowly turns everyone into a hyper-partisan monster.

Everyone slowly grows to hate “the other side” and thinks that everything on their side is right and everything on the other side is wrong.

In my view, that’s not simply unproductive, it’s also completely wrong.

It also makes people stop thinking. If you become so partisan that you become an ideologue that blindly follows your side, you stop critically thinking. You stop acknowledging that they might be wrong, and that the other side could be right.

My understanding is also that in the past, before the internet (and particularly before Nixon, Reagan, and Roger Stone), people were far less partisan and tended to follow issues much more closely and actually questioned things from their own side.

If people had more of that, the world would be a lot better off.

So for the point of this post, I’ve noticed that when I’m not inundated with the same ideas over and over again, day after day, I am far more receptive to other ideas.

At the very least, I tend not to take things at face value and actually put thought into things. I don’t just believe them because someone on my side said it.

In addition to just feeling way better about literally everything, this has been a really nice side-effect of not following the daily news.

I Don’t Really Daydream or Fantasize Vividly Anymore

I rather sad thought crossed my mind yesterday, and it was that I no longer seem to daydream or fantasize about things vividly anymore.

It’s as if my once vibrant and powerful imagination has since gone.

Obviously I continue imagining hypothetical situations and have some kind of picture in my head but it’s not the same as it was. There’s a sense that the scenes aren’t filled out. I don’t feel as immersed in the fantasy.

I’m not sure what could cause that. Is it just a normal part of growing older? Have a started taking the world too seriously as a result of my high-power corporate job and need to learn to connect with my inner child like in a 90s movie?

I’m not exactly sure!

I feel like it has other implications, though.

I feel like if I can’t put together a vivid fantasy, I probably also can’t allow myself to become truly immersed in a movie, in music, or even in an experience with others.

And that… Tracks. It seems like that’s accurate. The extent to which I can truly become fully immersed in things has definitely diminished, particularly with entertainment. Perhaps less so with in-person interactions but it does feel like maybe I’m a  bit less present.

Maybe I should put some effort towards fixing all of this.

Maybe I should work hard to imagine scenes and environments that are as vivid and detailed as possible. Or maybe I should pick up meditation and see if that helps.

I’m not totally sure if there’s a real problem here or not, it’s just something I noticed and figured I should think more about.

The Things I Like, I’m Appreciating More while my Indifference Towards Everything Else Grows

This is sort of a difficult concept to articulate, but lately I’ve been feeling like, in general, I’m enjoying most forms of entertainment less and less. And up until very recently, I had thought that this was across the board.

I have a future blog post pending called “I’m asking too much of entertainment like movies” which will go over many similar topics, but I think this is still distinct.

What I’ve realized lately is that actually, I still really appreciate the things I love. It’s just the stuff that I don’t really care about that I’m enjoying less and less.

It’s a similar concept to how I feel consuming THC makes you feel. It’s easy to believe that it will simply make anything better. You’d think it would lower your threshold of quality so that you can enjoy anything.

But in my experience, it doesn’t at all. It only enhances things you would have enjoyed anyway.

I have a specific example of this recently. I went and saw Avatar 2 when it first came out, and I thought it would be a good experience after taking an edible.

But I found I didn’t enjoy it. I felt like there was barely a plot, that it went on too long, and that there just wasn’t any thread to pull you through and keep you interested.

It was beautiful, of course, but I thought the story was just terrible.

I thought maybe I was just too high to follow it, which of course is a reasonable thought. So I decided to go see it again totally sober.

And my conclusion was exactly the same. I was right the first time.

Much like when consuming THC, as time goes, on, things that I think are bad are becoming less and less enjoyable.

But today I watched an episode of Entourage and had an epiphany that actually I am really enjoying it. Obviously I could write a whole other post about the merits (or lack thereof) of this particular show, but the fact remains that I enjoy it deeply.

I also just saw the movie “Hustle” shortly after Avatar 2 for the second time, and I was surprised at just how much more I enjoyed it. It actually has a proper story arc and is generally… Good.

I just don’t have the patience for poorly-written things anymore.

So while I’ve determined I just can’t watch terrible things anymore, that doesn’t mean I can’t deeply enjoy quality content. I just need to be much more discerning in what I watch.

I think this might just be part of getting older. Possibly I just value my time a lot more now, I’m not sure.

I Want to Be a Morning Person

Specifically this summer, I want to be a morning person.

I’ve always wanted to shift my schedule earlier. I love the sunshine and I love doing things outside, and when you wake up at noon there’s just not much time left to take advantage of it.

I think it would be awesome to be a morning person, and I think this summer I finally have an opportunity to do that.

I’m not drinking at all throughout this summer, which will give me several huge advantages.

First, is that obviously I’ll sleep better. Second, I’ll be less likely to slip up and sleep in super late, throwing off my schedule.

Possibly more importantly is the fact that I won’t be engaging in any drinking activities that might keep me up super late. I won’t be go out to bars late at night or staying up way too late doing… Whatever.

This really is the perfect year to finally do it.

I want to be up for sunrises and early morning kayak trips. I want to take full advantage of an entire day, and then go to sleep shortly after the sun goes down.

I don’t know that I’ve ever really tried it before. I’ve certainly tried to move my schedule earlier, but I’ve never kept with it long enough to try something like this.

This is the year to finally get it done and see what the world is like at sunrise.