I Should Approach My Life Like I Just Woke Up as a New Person

Since starting on CPAP, I’ve often mentioned how things feel very different and how I’m starting to question a lot of long-held beliefs about myself and my life. My perspective on just about everything is rapidly changing.

Which sort of made me think… Maybe I should approach my life from now on like I sort of just found myself in someone else’s body and have to decide what to do from here.

Everything that I’ve done up until this point is basically a sunk cost. I can’t get back any of the time I’ve already spent.

But what I can do is take a radical approach and plan things going forward as if I’m literally a new person.

Almost like if you were to buy an aging business. You would audit everything and take stock of how things are going and what opportunities there are, and then make changes – potentially drastic ones – to maximize performance going forward.

That’s what I have to do.

So many things that I used to cling to are falling away and I can see forward much more clearly. I think it’s time to take stock of where I’m at and what I actually value and care about.

One challenge at the moment is that I’m not entirely sure what I want. Just, generally. A lot of that I’m still figuring out.

But I think it’s important that I view my life going forward as a fresh start, and behave accordingly.

It feels a bit freeing to look at things this way. I can just sort of move past anything I’ve been stuck on and start from scratch.

I’m not sure how it will go but it’s never too late.

I think I Genuinely need 9+ Hours of Sleep For the Time Being

I slept 8 hours last night, and I can feel that I didn’t sleep enough and it has actually caused problems.

I’ve mostly been getting an actual 9 hours of sleep lately, and that’s been working pretty well for me. I’m just a little surprised to see that 1 hour less and I’m suffering the consequences.

My workout was incredibly disappointing. I’ve struggled all day to stay concentrated, especially as the day goes on. I feel tired and brain-foggy.

I think that what’s happening is that I’m still aggressively healing from my decades of sleep apnea, and my body has become used to the 9 hours I’m usually asleep and is fully utilizing that time to heal. If I don’t get the full amount, I’m going to suffer.

It’s also possible that I need much more sleep than most because my workouts have become increasingly intense, and it just takes a lot of time and energy to repair my muscles after each session.

But since I’m actively improving in many areas still, I have to assume it’s because I’m healing.

Regardless, it doesn’t make much sense to worry about it much until a year has passed and/or I stop improving.

I’mĀ hopingĀ that eventually, I’ll start feeling great with much less sleep. If I had a couple more hours each day to be productive, that would be tremendously beneficial in my life.

The purpose of this post, though, is just to establish that, for now, it’s really important that I sleep at least 9 hours. Whatever it takes to get that, I need to do. Otherwise I’m just setting myself up for failure in many ways.