For the first time since the pandemic started, it feels like we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Pfizer today announced that they would likely be distributing vaccines to the public in December.
It’s been about six months since the lockdowns started. I feel like everyone has basically gotten used to all of the restrictions. But there’s still a constant longing for things to be normal again.
I may be one of the people least-impacted by the pandemic, and yet I still just want everything to be normal again. I want to be able to go to concerts, to bars, to just feel part of society and groups of people again.
You don’t really know what you’ve got until it’s gone. “Crowds” certainly wouldn’t be something I would have listed as among my favorite things pre-pandemic. But it’s amazing how isolated it makes you feel when you can’t interact with strangers anymore. Sometimes just being among large groups of people makes you feel… Part of something bigger I guess.
I think if we can go into 2021 with vaccines going out, the economy strong, and potentially fresh, new leadership for the country, it’s going to be incredible just how much things change.
Things have been pretty dark up until this point, but I’m hoping the night really is darkest before the dawn. With a little luck, we may just turn the corner within a few months.