Last week I brainstormed a list of things I could do to get more hosting clients. Now that the brainstorming is done, I want to try and actually things down and pick the top options.
I feel like it’s key to balance the difficulty of implementing something vs. the potential it has. For me, I think it’s somewhat inextricably linked. For example, it’s possible (and likely) that cracking how to optimize Google Adwords would by one of the most scalable and effective options available to me.
But it would take an extremely long amount of time and I may not even have the resources to ever succeed at that. So it won’t rank highly.
So something that won’t be that hard to implement and is likely to start working quickly is something I’m going to put at the top of my list.
Last week I came up with a list of 12 ideas. now I’m going to rank them in order of best to worst. The top ideas are the ones I’m going to work on implementing.
- Developing some code that inserts some kind of hosting-related ad directly into all of my blog posts, for instance right after the first h4 element
- The same thing but manually adding CTAs on all of my popular blog posts
- Increase conversion by making compelling offers on the site – free month of hosting or something like that.
- Start trying out Facebook and LinkedIn ads
- Carrying through with the plan I had to offer services just to them and have it all be automated
- Post hosting articles on Facebook or LinkedIn
- Visiting other BNI groups and promoting hosting, especially with great CTAs or offers
- Buying more businesses
- Generally promoting services to IT companies
- Try some Google ads for highly targeted things and see if I can get clients that way
- Going to other types of networking events, such as chambers
- Reaching out manually to IT companies
Well, this feels pretty conclusive! The first one was an idea I’ve had for a while, and I feel like it won’t be hard to implement and will potentially be quite effective.
Since I get about 4000 visits to the site each week, I’m genuinely hoping to get something like 0.025% conversion, which would be one single client.
That could be optimistic, though, since they aren’t on my site to look for better hosting. The rates might be more similar to random impressions on other sites.
I’m going to need a really compelling offer, and I think I need it to not look like an ad. It should stand out against everything else.
Optionally, if it doesn’t work, I could try a different CTA, such as having some sort of free site speed analysis or something, and then we could market to them directly.
I just really need to make the website start working for me, and I need to actually convert some of this abundant traffic that I have.
So let’s get moving! This should really be my “One Thing” for the week. Make it happen.