Got up Early, Was Super Productive, Didn’t Regret it

I was hoping I’d be able to get up early this morning to do a quick hike up to the Puerto Vallarta Mirador, but I was worried about being able to get up anywhere near sunrise.

Part of what is difficult for me is that I can’t normally go to bed “early”. I have to go to bed after it’s already late, or I won’t be able to fall asleep. However, last night I was feeling weirdly tired at 10:30pm and decided to just sleep, and succeeded!

I was able to wake up early (for me), get my morning activities done, do my hike, work, and proceed to complete a whole bunch of other things, too, with time to spare.

In short: I was incredibly productive.

It’s obviously no shock to me that waking up early leads to productivity, but I guess I just needed a concrete reminder. I probably have literally not gotten up that early in… Months. Many months.

And my alarm was only at 7:30am, isn’t that depressing?

So I think I really need to work on making a change and making this more my normal routine. I’ve got a lot to do, especially once I get home, and I’d like to be efficient with it.

Also, it just felt good to be up early in the cool air and to be productive. There were way fewer people out and it was just nice. I’ll bet I could get up and do photography, too, and it would be better on account of there being way fewer people around.


I Don’t Necessarily Have to be Profound and Deeply Introspective All the Time

Today’s topic really applies just to this blog, though I suppose it applies elsewhere in life, too.

Whenever I sit down to write, I feel great pressure for it to be very meaningful and likely to positively affect change in major way in my life.

But it doesn’t have to!

One of the stated purposes of this blog when I first started was to simply practice writing. I’m pretty sure I had read a book that said the best way to improve your writing skills was simply to practice every single day, for at least 10 minutes or so.

So to that end: it doesn’t really matter what I write!

I do, of course, want to entertain and help my future reader (me). But who’s to say it won’t be entertaining without a major purpose?

I think that simply chronicling how I feeling and some general thoughts at that time is both beneficial and entertaining. So why not do it?

Okay, this didn’t take me 10 minute to write, but at least it’s something, which is the point. Just write!

Writing About Things I Need to do and then Forgetting About them is Still Just Procrastination

I have lots of great ideas in this blog. And most of my good ideas that I have end up here eventually.

But if I write about it here and then do absolutely nothing about it, what good does it do me?

This blog isn’t intended to be an idea graveyard. The goal is to actually enact change.

I think it’s tempting to write about something here just to feel good about myself, like I took the necessary step with it and accomplished something.

But if I don’t continue on to the next steps, then it’s not really very helpful.

This particular post doesn’t really have an actionable next step, it’s just something to be aware of in the future.

Writing and doing are not the same thing.