It’s Been Bothering Me that I’ve Been Too Focused on Entertainment Rather Than Anything Deeper

I feel like I’ve become increasingly restless in my life, (figuratively) and I’m starting to realize it’s because I feel I’ve focused almost everything in my life on enjoyment of entertainment and experiences.

Recently I’ve been very torn because I’ve sort of been planning a long Mexico trip and have been trying to work out logistics.

But I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not excited about doing a long trip like that. And it took me a while to figure out why.

I’ve spent so much of my life simply trying to experience things, hoping that it would make me happy. But it hasn’t, and I think it’s because it’s just… Not that deep. It doesn’t provide meaning or progression.

I’ve had some great experiences, don’t get me wrong. But that’s not enough by itself.

For travel: I feel like I’ve gotten away from my initial goal of travel, which was to connect with other people, cultures, and places. But lately I’ve felt more like a tourist; traveling around just for hedonistic pursuits like adventure-seeking, food, etc.

Lately I’ve gotten really into improving my guitar playing and also focusing on consistency with my weight training. The latter has been more successful then ever thanks to my CPAP therapy.

So it feels like I finally have things that are deeper and worth pursuing, and that’s really where I want to focus my time.

If I go travel for three months, both of those things will fall by the wayside. Not to mention the fact that I’ll need to spend a lot of extra money.

Before CPAP, I sort of felt like I had no energy after working to put towards any pursuits other than just entertainment, basically. But now I have way more energy. Plus I think I finally broke my last social media vice (YouTube) and now find myself far more focused and motivated to actually do things.

I may still travel, but at this point I am thinking it will be just one or two shorter trips. I’d rather stay home and focus over the winter.

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